About Us

Keeping you ahead of the game

Progression of the internet has brought the world a lot closer than ever before. Now, with the aid of Smartphones, the other side of the globe is in the palm of a hand so you need some kind of presence in this online world to stay ahead of your competition.

Many web design companies exist. They charge extortionate fees for websites that are unnecessarily complex but can be full of razmataz, glitz and pop-ups. The real content is hidden, bland and (in some cases) hard to find what you are looking for. HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, WordPress. . . who cares what it’s made of? 

You don’t, we do. What matters to you is the result!

Clickonology uses today’s cutting edge technology to keep websites clean and easy to navigate to the material that really matters. Clickonology uses Responsive web designs so your content shows well whatever device your audience uses to view your website in clean, clear, adaptive displays. It keeps the glitter to a minimum to give the user what they need. . .
. . .current information about YOU and YOUR business!