Bridging The Gap Voices

What is autism in the workplace?



Way back two years ago (maybe 2016-7), a seed of an idea planted grew into an almighty movement. The Committee of Bridging The Gap formed and decided to take action.

Late in 2018, Clickonolgy was approached to create a logo and a website. The story is not about the website only to say that became a window to the cause of Bridging The Gap United Voices. logo

The committee of Bridging The Gap United Voices hammered out a plan and through many months of planning on a very strict budget, to develop a movie and present it at a grand opening business breakfast.

Launch of Bridging The Gap United Voices

So the morning came and after many last minute were ironed out, the guests began to appear. Pre-event tickets sold indicated the size of the audience but the numbers surpassed even the wildest guesses.

London Mayor Ed Holder

The Mayor of London (ON) Ed Holder spoke on his vision for improving the employability of people with Autism. A few other guest speakers including people with Autism spoke of what their views were and what must come next!

The movie quite rightly earned it’s standing ovation.

For more information, go to

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